Friday, November 2, 2007

And the winner is......

The Scarecrow! for the "Best Look Alike" costume.
It seems a little late for the annoucement, but with three shifts running and the judging being done by all the employees, you have to expect delays.
I had some really good competition. There were four catagories all together: scariest, funniest, most creative and best look alike.


Judy said...

WOW! Congrats!!! You did do a great job..and yep you did look just like the scarecrow from Oz

AmyWhit said...

Congratulations! You looked great!

Brewton Girl said...

Great costume! I see you have that great creative gene too!! Loved the pumpkins also!

Nancy S. said...

I think you have a very smart and crafty brain, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Love all those beautiful fall colors in the leaves too.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great Halloween, love the costume, can see why you won. Great Job!